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During the workshops, participants find themselves in unusual situations that they rarely encounter in their everyday lives. This is designed to give them the opportunity to explore and experience their inner world and emotions, which helps in gaining a better and fuller understanding of the self. Theatre serves as a pretext to bring us closer to each other and to our inner selves, so that through balance, we can lead a more meaningful, successful, and effective life, both professionally and personally.

Osonó Theatre  - International course in Finland
Osonó Színházműhely - ERASMUS+ project // Youth Workers Go // long video
Osonó Színházműhely - ERASMUS+ project // Youth Workers Go // short video
Osonó Színházműhely - Műhelyfoglalkozások középiskolásoknak /interjúk/
Osonó Színházműhely - Színjátékosok találkozója /Brassai Magyar Adás//
Osonó Színházműhely - Visszhang a sarokból / Ecoul din colț
Osonó Színházműhely - Varsági pedagógusképzés
2. NAP I. Alternatív diáktábor 2K17
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Personality Development/Team-Building Workshops


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Theatre Professional and Acting Workshops
Speech Development and Speech Technique Workshops
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Problem-Solving and Improvisation Activities
Moderated Interactive Discussion
Complex Programs
Activity in 45-60 minutes
Long-Term Monthly Training
Activity in 150-180 Minutes
Camp/Weekend Training
Full-Day Training
Activities in 90-120 minutes
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Thanks to the decades of experience of the Osonó Theatre, we have developed types of activities where participants can connect with others and themselves through simple exercises. These activities create situations where participants, driven by internal motivation, can embark on a path of personal growth, fostering a need for internal advancement. We have established a working method and pedagogical structure centered around play, allowing participants to develop their personalities, gain experience, and expand their knowledge while enjoying themselves and playing. Due to the positive experience and lack of external pressure, participants undergo human development, and the immediate experience of this growth strengthens their internal motivation.

Building on our experience, we recommend the following types of activities for everyone from high school students to adults:


Personality Development and Team-Building Activities 

The priority of these activities is to develop participants' personalities individually and then as a group through exercises. The inner qualities of people surface unnoticed, allowing participants to get to know not only their peers but also themselves better. This can lead to a type of understanding and acceptance that strengthens the foundations of a team and community. Just as individuals have good and bad qualities, so do communities. Osonó uses this in exercises, focusing on helping the community recognize and consciously eliminate its negative traits while amplifying and maintaining positive ones with continuous attention. Through these paths, both individuals and groups evolve.​

Személyiségfejlesztő és csapatépítő foglalkozások
Beszédkészségfejlesztő és beszédtechnikai foglalkozások
Speech Development and Speech Technique Workshops 

The primary goal of this activity is to formulate and convey thoughts to peers in a simple, understandable, and valuable manner. The exercises and series of workshops by the Osonó Theatre Workshop guide participants in the valuable formulation of thoughts and the use of carefully spoken words. The aim is not to eliminate speech defects but to raise awareness and polish them so that they do not harm the quality of speech or the formation and articulation of inner thoughts.


Problem-Solving and Improvisation Activities 

Everyday life can bring unexpected moments and unplanned situations where quick solutions are needed. The skills learned in improvisation exercises can be useful not only in games but also in daily life. The Osonó Theatre Workshop has developed an activity and series of activities where participants enhance their quick situational awareness and decision-making abilities and learn to stay calm in tense situations. This helps them discover the best possible solution from the myriad of options available in any given scenario.

Theatre Professional and Acting Workshops 

Unique methods and a distinctive theatrical language. Starting on the path of psychological realism initiated by Stanislavski, we explore the forms and tools of the expressionist theatrical language. One of the primary directions and goals is for the actor to create a truth in the present moment through their performance that the audience does not question for a second. Another important directive of these workshops is to focus on the present-time creation characteristic of theatre and to discover, practice, and apply these tools and methods.


Complex Programs 

A comprehensive package that includes one or more types of activities and lasts from 1 to 3 days. With 2-3 intensive workshops per day, participants can engage in a well-structured, pre-planned, and quality developmental process. This is recommended for teams with specific expectations and goals for themselves and their group, who want to delve deeply into one or more topics (e.g., team building, conflict resolution within the group, skill development, etc.).


Moderated Interactive Discussion 

A moderated interactive discussion is an excellent opportunity and tool for dialogue among people on a given topic. The goal is not to convince each other but to express their opinions, listen to and understand each other's viewpoints for collective thinking, and to jointly reach one or more solutions. The interactive part of the discussion involves not only posing specific questions to the participants about a topic but also using simple, interactive games to allow opinions to unfold, all guided by a moderator. These discussions always have a central element that provides an impulse for participants to form opinions and think collectively about various topics. Based on its experience, Osonó finds that the most effective central elements are documentary theatre performances based on true, personal experiences, which due to their nature, exclude audience indifference.


DURATION of Activities

45-60 percben
90-120 percben
150-180 percben
Activities in 150-180 minutes


A powerful, effective, and profound session. This is recommended for groups that truly wish to delve deeply into a specific topic and are willing to dedicate the time. Each workshop has its own arc, but in this case, the extended duration allows this arc to fully unfold, ensuring that participants experience every phase of the session. We receive impulses that reach our deepest selves, and from this depth, we embark on the path of growth.


Full-Day Training (2 or 3 sessions – 7-8 hours)


An intensive training that offers the opportunity for deep work and profound experiences in a short period of time. Two effective methods can be tried. The first is to have 2-3 sessions of the same type, where similar exercises contribute to a deeper impact on participants. The second method is to participate in multiple types of sessions, allowing for a broader range of experiences with various methods, alternatives, and impulses.

Camp / Long Weekend 

The camp offers an opportunity to create an island with the participants, where the rules, organized programs, and leisure activities all aim to focus on what truly matters, eliminating external distractions to create a concentrated existence. With the extended time the camp provides, participants have the chance to work in teams and pairs multiple times, as well as enjoy personal moments. The days of working and being together enable participants to attune to themselves and their peers, supporting each other's growth and development.

Long-Term Monthly Training 

Our ensemble frequently organizes long-term training sessions, held once a month, often scheduled during long weekends. The training structure is deliberately designed so that not only do the weekend exercises build on each other, but the entire sequence of weekend blocks forms a cohesive whole. This allows participants to deeply internalize what they learn and apply it independently in practical life situations. This training provides not only a new experience that can enhance personal growth but also imparts knowledge that can become a permanent part of one's personality.


Led by Osonó



Osonó Theatre  - International course in Finland
Osonó Színházműhely - ERASMUS+ project // Youth Workers Go // long video
Osonó Színházműhely - ERASMUS+ project // Youth Workers Go // short video
Osonó Színházműhely - Műhelyfoglalkozások középiskolásoknak /interjúk/
Osonó Színházműhely - Színjátékosok találkozója /Brassai Magyar Adás//
Osonó Színházműhely - Visszhang a sarokból / Ecoul din colț
Osonó Színházműhely - Varsági pedagógusképzés
2. NAP I. Alternatív diáktábor 2K17
3. NAP I. Alternatív diáktábor 2K17
1. NAP I. Alternatív diáktábor 2K17
Osonó Theatre - Wash of the MASK /internation theatre project by Osonó/
Osonó Theatre - International project /Engage with us/ III.
Osonó Theatre - International proiect /Engage with us/ II.
Osonó Theatre - International theatre project in Lithuania
Osonó Theatre - International proiect /Engage with us/ I.
Osonó Theatre - International workshop in Spain
Osonó Színházműhely - Műhelyfoglalkozás fiataloknak és felnőtteknek - Pesthidegkúti Waldorf Iskola
Osonó Színházműhely - Önismereti és csapatépítő foglalkozás fiataloknak
Osonó Színházműhely - Csapatépítő műhelyfoglalkozás /Bakelit MAC/
Osonó Színházműhely - Képzés a Művészeti Népiskolában
Osonó  - Interetnikai Drámatábor / Tabără Interetnică
Osonó Színházműhely - Nemzetközi Drámatábor 2016/ IV. (interjúk)
Osonó Színházműhely - Nemzetközi Drámatábor 2016/ III. (interjúk)
Osonó Színházműhely - Nemzetközi Drámatábor 2016/ II. (interjúk)


- Workshop for participants of the VIII. Professional Day of Pastoral Care, organized by KALOT Association (Csíksomlyó)

- Series of team-building workshops for the Student Council of Veresegyházi Catholic High School (Fót)

- Series of workshops for teachers in Brașov County, organized by the Romanian Hungarian Pedagogical Association (Négyfalu)

- Series of team-building workshops for the Student Council of Sapientia EMTE Faculty of Cluj-Napoca (Szentegyháza)

- Workshops for the dancers of Csemete Folk Dance Ensemble (Székelyvarság)

- Workshops for members of Urusos Folk Dance Association (Oroszhegy)

- Workshop for participants of the Tempus Public Foundation's Solidarity:ON - The Power of Participation! program (Budapest)

- Team-building weekend for the leadership and department heads of Melinda Instal in Székelyudvarhely (Szováta)

- Professional workshop for members of the Kis-Homoród Cultural Association's Ködszurkáló Kisszínház (Szentegyháza)

- Drama Camp for Teachers (Sepsikőröspatak)

- Drama Camp for Adults (Székelyvarság)

- Personality Development and Health Awareness in Education Erasmus+ Project (Budapest)

- Personality Development and Health Awareness in Education Erasmus+ Project (Tóthfalu, Serbia)

- Cross-border Partnership Building Event organized by the Tempus Public Foundation (Tata)

- Team-building weekend for the leadership team of Melinda Instal in Székelyudvarhely (Ivó)

- Workshop for young people in Budapest in collaboration with B29 Youth and Community Space and the 11th District Municipality (Budapest)

- Team-building workshops for the dance group of Háromszék Dance Ensemble (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Teacher Training (Székelyvarság)

- 180-hour Teacher Training of the Sepsiszentgyörgy Art and Folk School

- Workshop as part of the Twentieth Jubilee Taizé Prayer Week organized by the Candle Flame Prayer and Action Community (Máriakéménd)



- Workshops within the framework of the V. Choreographer Meeting organized by the Romanian Hungarian Folk Dance Association (Gyimesfelsőlok)

- Workshop for students of Vörösmarty Mihály High School in Budapest (Budapest)

- Series of team-building workshops for the Student Council of Sapientia EMTE Faculty of Cluj-Napoca (Cluj-Napoca)

- Teacher Training (Oroszhegy)

- Workshop for students of Plugor Sándor Art Lyceum in Sepsiszentgyörgy (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Drama Camp for Teachers (Sepsikőröspatak)

- Interethnic Drama Camp (Sepsikőröspatak)

- Theatre Drama Camp (Szombathely)

- Youth Workers Go Erasmus+ Project (Sepsikőröspatak)

- Workshop for teachers of Vármelléki Kindergarten (Sárvár)

- Professional workshop for students of Berekenye Drama Group (Szilágycseh)

- Team-building workshop for students of Ady Endre Theoretical High School (Nagyvárad)

- Team-building workshop for students of Érmihályfalvi No. 1 Vocational High School (Érmihályfalva)

- Team-building workshop for students of Kalazanci Szent József Roman Catholic Lyceum (Nagykároly)

- Team-building workshops for the dance group of Háromszék Dance Ensemble (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Workshop for teachers of Plugor Sándor Art Lyceum (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Professional weekend for teachers and group leaders in Vojvodina (Nagykikinda, Vojvodina)

- Professional weekend for teachers and group leaders in Vojvodina (Tóthfalu, Vojvodina)

- Teacher Training (Székelyvarság)

- Workshop for young people in Budapest (Budapest)

- 180-hour Teacher Training of the Sepsiszentgyörgy Art and Folk School



- Professional weekend for teachers and group leaders in Vojvodina (Tóthfalu, Vojvodina)

- Professional weekend for professionals from Budapest and Vojvodina (Budapest)

- Professional weekend for teachers and group leaders in Vojvodina (Zombor, Vojvodina)

- Workshop for the faculty of Saint Joseph Catholic Primary School and Kindergarten (Kiskunhalas)

- Drama Camp for Teachers (Sepsikőröspatak)

- Interethnic Drama Camp (Sepsikőröspatak)

- Theatre Drama Camp (Szombathely)

- Team-building workshop for students of Leövey Klára High School (Budapest)

- Team-building workshop for students of Damjanits János Primary School in Isaszeg

- Team-building workshop for students of Ady Endre Primary School, High School, and AMI in Zalaegerszeg

- Online unconventional literature class for students of Pásztorvölgyi Primary School and High School in Eger (Eger)

- Online unconventional literature class for students of Festetics Kristóf Primary School in Pókaszepetk (Pókaszepetk)

- Team-building workshop for students of Herman Ottó Primary School in Felsőpakony

- Team-building workshop for students of Bethlen István Economic and Administrative Technical School, Veszprém Vocational Training Center

- Team-building workshop for students of Saint Mór School Center in Pécs

- Team-building workshop for students of Árpád Fejedelem High School and Primary School in Pécs

- Self-awareness, personality development, team-building, and acting training series for the children's group of Énekes Lenke Folk Dance Group (Vitnyéd)

- Team-building workshop for students of Hunyadi Mátyás Primary School in Eger

- Team-building workshop for students of Jaschik Álmos Art High School (Budapest)

- Self-awareness, personality development, team-building, and acting training series for Énekes Lenke Folk Dance Group (Vitnyéd)

- Team-building workshops for students of Bányai János Technical High School (Budapest)

- Team-building workshops for employees of Caritas Udvarhely region (Székelyudvarhely)



- Team-building workshop for the Student Council of Veresegyházi Catholic High School (Veresegyház)

- Team-building workshop for students of Damjanich János Primary School in Isaszeg, within the framework of special classes organized by the House of Hungarians (Isaszeg)

- Team-building workshop for students of Ady Endre Primary School, High School, and AMI in Zalaegerszeg, within the framework of special classes organized by the House of Hungarians (Zalaegerszeg)

- Three team-building weekends for young people in Budapest (Budapest)

- Series of team-building workshops for students of Jaschik Álmos Art High School (Budapest)

- Team-building workshops for high school students within the framework of special classes organized by the House of Hungarians (Budapest)

- Team-building workshop for students of Veresegyházi Catholic High School (Veresegyház)

- Self-awareness, personality development, team-building, and acting weekend for Énekes Lenke Folk Dance Group (Vitnyéd)

- Team-building workshops for students of Károly Róbert High School, organized by the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service (Gyöngyös)

- Team-building workshop for students of Leövey Klára Greek Catholic High School (Budapest)

- Team-building workshop for students of Szász Ferenc Commercial High School (Budapest)

- Team-building workshop for students of Kövessi Erzsébet Baptist High School (Budapest)

- Self-awareness, personality development, team-building, and acting weekend for Csöbörcsök Folk Dance Ensemble (Stuttgart)

- Acting course for actors of Associazione di Promozione Sociale OLTRE (Poggio Mirteto, Italy)

- Acting course for advanced theatre group of TIM Production (Budapest)

- Team-building workshop for students of Leövey Klára High School (Budapest)

- Teacher training (Oroszhegy)

- 180-hour teacher training of the Sepsiszentgyörgy Art and Folk School

- Team-building and self-awareness workshops for disadvantaged youth organized by Caritas Alba Iulia (Marosvásárhely)



- Team-building and acting workshops for the dance ensemble of Udvarhely Dance Workshop (Székelyudvarhely)

- Team-building, self-awareness, personality development, and professional training for teachers organized by Caritas Alba Iulia (Székelyudvarhely)

- Team-building and self-awareness workshops for disadvantaged youth organized by Caritas Alba Iulia (Marosvásárhely)

- Team-building and acting workshops for the dance ensemble of Hargita National Székely Folk Ensemble (Csíkszereda)

- Team-building and self-awareness workshops for disadvantaged youth organized by Caritas Alba Iulia (Székelyudvarhely)

- Team-building and self-awareness training for the community of Saint Imre Roman Catholic Kindergarten (Kolozsvár)

- Team-building and acting workshops for the dance ensemble of Háromszék Dance Ensemble (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Team-building workshop for the faculty of Plugor Sándor Art Lyceum (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Drama Camp for Teachers (Zabola-Csipkés)

- Interethnic Drama Camp (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Team-building and self-awareness workshop at the anniversary event of the Cluj University Chaplaincy (Kolozsvár)

- Acting training series for the Youth Theatre Company and the Refi Stage members (Marosvásárhely)

- Erasmus+ Youth Project (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Art in Education Conference, University of Arts (Marosvásárhely)

- 180-hour Teacher Training of the Sepsiszentgyörgy Art and Folk School

- Ördögtérgye Dance Ensemble (Kolozsvár)

- Team-building and acting workshops for the dance ensemble of Háromszék Dance Ensemble (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Team-building workshop for students of Leövey Klára High School (Budapest)

- Team-building workshop for students of Eötvös József High School (Budapest)

- Team-building workshop for students of Veresegyházi Catholic High School (Veresegyház)

- Self-awareness, personality development, and team-building weekend for the dancers of Bem Folk Dance Ensemble (Budapest)

- Acting course for young actors in Italy (Poggio Mirteto)

- Team-building workshops for high school students within the framework of special classes organized by the House of Hungarians (Budapest)

- Acting training for the dancers of Bem Folk Dance Ensemble (Budapest)

- Workshop for the studio members of Soltis Lajos Theatre (Celldömölk)

- International Drama Camp (Budapest)

- Team-building camp for Bem Folk Dance Ensemble (Sármellék)

- MAdT Camp (Zenta, Vojvodina)

- Team-building workshop for the teachers of Veresegyházi Catholic High School (Veresegyház)

- Workshops for participants of the I. Carpathian Basin Youth Theatre Meeting (Budapest)

- Workshop for the studio members of Soltis Lajos Theatre (Celldömölk)

- Team-building workshop for students of Hunyadi Mátyás Primary School (Solymár)

- Teacher Training of the Vojvodina Hungarian Cultural Institute (Tóthfalu)

- Team-building workshop for the Student Council of Veresegyházi Catholic High School (Veresegyház)



- Team-building workshop for the youth of the Munich Saturday School (Munich)

- Team-building workshop for the teachers of Veresegyházi Catholic High School (Veresegyház)

- How to Be the Change Waldorf Conference – Pesthidegkúti Waldorf School (Budapest)

- Team-building workshops for the work community of BMAC – Bakelit Multi Art Center (Budapest)

- Team-building workshops for the youth of Covasna County Social Assistance and Child Protection Directorate (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Team-building workshops for the dance ensemble of Háromszék Dance Ensemble (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Acting and improvisation workshops for the members of Ördögtérgye Dance Ensemble (Kolozsvár)

- Team-building workshops for the members of Berde Mózsa Circle in Sepsiszentgyörgy, organized by Turulmadár Youth Office (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Team-building workshops for the members of Berde Mózsa Circle in Nagyajta, organized by Turulmadár Youth Office (Nagyajta)

- International Drama Camp (Kökös)

- Professional camp for teachers, Zabola – organized by the Sepsiszentgyörgy Art and Folk School and supported by Covasna County Council

- Interethnic Drama Camp (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Professional camp for teachers, Csernáton – organized by the Covasna County Cultural Center and supported by Covasna County Council

- Brainstorming marathon organized by the Hungarian Student Union of Nagyvárad (Nagyvárad)

- Youth meeting in the spirit of Taizé (Nagyvárad)

- 180-hour Teacher Training of the Sepsiszentgyörgy Art and Folk School

- Teacher Training (Oroszhegy)

- Plugor Sándor Art Lyceum – Rose Program (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Teacher Training (Székelyvarság)



- Series of workshops for the dance ensemble of Hargita National Székely Folk Ensemble (Csíkszereda)

- International Drama Camp (Kökös)

- Professional camp for teachers, Zabola – organized by the Sepsiszentgyörgy Art and Folk School and supported by Covasna County Council

- Interethnic Drama Camp (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Professional camp for teachers, Csernáton – organized by the Covasna County Cultural Center and supported by Covasna County Council

- 180-hour Teacher Training of the Sepsiszentgyörgy Art and Folk School

- Teacher Training (Oroszhegy)

- Team-building workshops for the work community of BMAC – Bakelit Multi Art Center (Budapest)

- Acting and improvisation workshop – University Catholic High School and College (Budapest)

- Me and You Waldorf Conference – Pesthidegkúti Waldorf School (Budapest)

- Acting and improvisation workshop – Bakelit Multi Art Center (Budapest)



- Acting and improvisation workshop for young people – Ismeretlen Ismerősök Társasága (Budapest)

- Acting and improvisation workshop – Bakelit Multi Art Center (Budapest)

- Acting and improvisation workshop for students – Nemes Nagy Ágnes Art High School (Budapest)

- Workshop for participants of the Be SpectACTive! Erasmus+ cultural project – Bakelit Multi Art Center (Budapest)

- Corporate team-building workshop – Bakelit Multi Art Center (Budapest)

- Lets’Act Erasmus+ Youth Camp – Jugendzentrum, Steyr (Austria)

- International Drama Camp (Kökös)

- Professional camp for teachers, Zabola – organized by the Sepsiszentgyörgy Art and Folk School and supported by Covasna County Council

- Interethnic Drama Camp (Zabola)

- Professional camp for teachers, Réty – organized by the Covasna County Cultural Center and supported by Covasna County Council

- 180-hour Teacher Training of the Sepsiszentgyörgy Art and Folk School



- Workshop for members of the Pro Zabola Association (Zabola)

- Workshop for members of the Zágoni Folk Dance Group (Zág



- Workshop for members of the Csernátoni Folk Dance Group (Csernáton)

- Interethnic Drama Camp (Árkos)

- Professional camp for teachers, Zabola – organized by the Sepsiszentgyörgy Art and Folk School and supported by Covasna County Council

- Workshop for members of the Bölöni Youth Group (Bölön)

- 180-hour Teacher Training of the Sepsiszentgyörgy Art and Folk School

- International Drama Camp (Kökös)

- Professional camp for teachers, Réty – organized by the Covasna County Cultural Center and supported by Covasna County Council

- Workshop for dancers of Bekecs Folk Dance Ensemble (Nyárádszereda)

- Acting and improvisation training for participants of the Sidi Kacem International Theatre Festival (Sidi Kacem, Morocco)

- Acting and improvisation training for students of Istituto Professionale A. Casali di Piacenza (Piacenza, Italy)

- Acting and improvisation training for actors of arcFAM (Brussels)

- Self-awareness training for youth at Jugendzentrum (Steyr, Austria)



- Personality development and self-awareness workshop for young people, Taizé Community (Taizé, France)

- Acting training series for actors of Espace Theatral (Kenitra, Morocco)

- Acting training series for actors of Soltis Lajos Theatre (Celldömölk, Hungary)

- Acting workshop for participants of the Teatro Lab International Theatre Festival (Novellara, Italy)

- Acting training for drama students of Széchenyi István High School in Szolnok (Szolnok, Hungary)

- Acting training for actors of Mimage Pantomime Studio (Budapest, Hungary)

- Workshop for students of Móricz Zsigmond High School (Szentendre)

- Acting training for students of Liceo Guglielmo Oberdan in Trieste (Trieste, Italy)

- Professional camp for teachers, Zabola – organized by the Sepsiszentgyörgy Art and Folk School and supported by Covasna County Council

- Workshop for members of the Catholic Youth Association in Csíkszentmárton (Csíkszentmárton)

- 180-hour Teacher Training of the Sepsiszentgyörgy Art and Folk School

- International Drama Camp (Kökös)

- International Grundtvig Adult Education Drama Camp (Sepsiszentgyörgy)



- Workshop for members of EMI in Csíkszentmihály (Csíkszentmihály)

- International Drama Camp (Kökös)

- Workshop on methodological day organized for teachers (Oroszhegy)

- Workshop for teachers of University Catholic High School (Budapest)

- Workshop for students of University Catholic High School (Budapest)

- Workshop for students of Liska József Catholic High School (Jászberény)

- Workshops for students of Lehel Vezér High School (Jászberény)

- Workshop for high school students (Zenta, Serbia)

- Acting workshop series for actors of ITAF2 (Novellara, Italy)

- Acting and improvisation workshop for Spin Theatre (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)

- Acting workshop for actors of Moradokmai Theatre Center (Thailand)

- Workshop for high school students (Castelnovo ne’ Monti, Italy)

- Acting workshop for participants of the Teatro Lab International Theatre Festival (Castelnovo ne’ Monti, Italy)

- Acting workshop for actors of Nyitott Kör Theatre Education Company (Budapest)



- Acting workshop for actors of Nyitott Kör Theatre Education Company (Budapest)

- Workshop for teachers of University Catholic High School (Budapest)

- Acting and improvisation workshop for Spin Theatre (Cambodia)

- Acting and directing workshop for Moradokmai Theatre Center (Thailand, August 21-October 16)

- Prison therapy – Drama pedagogy workshop (Thailand, March 19-April 25)

- Drama pedagogy workshop for high school students (Malom Theatre, Jászberény)

- International Drama Camp (Kökös)

- Professional camp for teachers (Réty) – organized by Covasna County Cultural Center and supported by Covasna County Council

- Personality development workshops for youth and adults organized by Bolyongó Theatre Association and supported by Sepsiszentgyörgy Local Council



- Acting and improvisation workshops for Nagyvárad Dance Theatre (Nagyvárad)

- Acting and improvisation workshop (Marosvásárhely)

- Acting and improvisation workshops for Tomcsa Sándor Theatre (Udvarhely)

- International Acting Workshop (Thailand)

- Drama pedagogy workshop for high school students (Malom Theatre, Jászberény)

- Acting workshop (Bakelit Multi Art Center, Budapest)



- Acting workshop (Bakelit Multi Art Center, Budapest)

- Acting and improvisation workshops for Udvarhely Dance Workshop (Udvarhely)



- Acting and improvisation workshops for Choreographer Training (Hungarian Dance Association of Transylvania, Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Commenius Cultural Program (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- International Acting Workshop (Thailand)



- FISZT 04 International Acting Workshop (Belgrade)

- Acting and improvisation workshops for Choreographer Training (Hungarian Dance Association of Transylvania, Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Commenius Cultural Program (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

- Acting and improvisation workshops for Ördögtérgye Dance Ensemble (Kolozsvár)



- Acting Workshop (Csíkszereda)



- Acting and improvisation workshops organized by Covasna County Cultural Center (Kovászna, Kézdivásárhely, Barót)



- Acting Workshop (Brassó)



- Acting Workshop (Brassó)

- Drama pedagogy workshop at the Unitarian Theologians' Creative Camp (Lókod)

- Acting and improvisation workshops at the Artediem Art Creative Camp (Árkos)



- Drama pedagogy workshop at the Unitarian Theologians' Creative Camp (Lókod)