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„I realized that power of art to activate or to bring awareness to social issues. We’re using that power to bring people together and then make sure that they have something to take away. They’re not just walking away without a directive.”
Kalonji Gilchrist
"they took care of us..."
The main goal of the "ECHO FROM THE CORNER" artistic-social project was to involve young people growing up in children's homes in artistic and communication activities through workshops such as film, theatre, and photography events.
Compass to the World of Work
Furthermore, the goal of the "Compass to the World of Work" project is to reduce early school dropout rates and combat unemployment, with special attention to disadvantaged youth in Maros and Hargita counties. Osonó Theatre Workshop contributes to their professional development and strengthens their self-awareness through its experience and programs.
"where even theatre doesn't go"
It is important to operate in communities where theatre and cultural vibrancy are not prevalent. Within the framework of the #Reaktiv project, we provided theatrical performances along with team-building and self-awareness workshops. The goal was to offer new motivation to young people and their teachers and to emphasize the importance of personal relationships and community collaboration.
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